This comedy business series completed was created by Psychologist Eve Ash and comedienne Erin Brown. This series will surprise, amaze and entertain you, while at the same time teaching some important lessons in human interaction, in a way you won’t forget!
Everyone will laugh and learn with these short episodes (6-10 minutes each) that highlight dos and don'ts.
This Australian produced series was filmed on location in Los Angeles, and includes leaders' guides with discussion questions, activities and hand outs. Plus Powerpoint slides to make learning easy and fun.
Topics covered:
• Personal Success & Communication Skills x 10 titles
• Sales, Service & Negotiation x 7 titles
• Presentations Training & Online x 9 titles
• Handling Conflict & Difficult People x 7 titles
• Managing Performance & Standards x 10 titles
• Managing Stress, Safety & Well being x 10 titles
• Leading People, Change & Culture x 10 titles
• Diversity, Bullying & Respect x 7 titles
• Building Effective & Motivated Teams x 10 titles
An additional 70 Cutting Edge programs are available:
Cutting Edge Success at Work x 10 titles
Cutting Edge Simple English Series x 20 titles
Cutting Edge Basic English Series x 20 titles
Cutting Edge English at Work Series x 20 titles
Watch the Trailer
To buy the WHOLE SERIES, click on the shopping cart above (no need to add individual titles to your cart).
This series contains the following titles
Accepting Change
Marcus informs the team of an imminent change, but everyone is annoyed. Steve and Sanjay object to spending time bring...
Apologizing Carefully
Serena is inspired to apologize to Carol and wants a Sorry Day at Cutting Edge. They discuss different forms of sorry ...
Appreciate Diversity and Inclusion
Appreciate Diversity and Inclusion is a timely video that will engage participants as they watch the Cutting Edge tea...
Arrogance and Humility
Some of the team must decrease arrogance and increase humility.
Behaving Unprofessionally
Various members of the team discuss what they see as unprofessional behavior. Cutting Edge Corporation has a Book of R...
Being an Employer of Choice
Carol ignores ways to improve, but then presents Sherrys ideas as her own.
Boosting Emotional Intelligence
Accolade Global Film Competition Award 2015
Best Shorts Competition Award 2015
Steve and Sam facili...
Brainstorm and Solve Creatively
Brainstorming and Solving Creatively is video designed to encourage people to conduct quality brainstorming and probl...
Breaking Bullying
Serena expects Marcus to stamp out bullying within his department. Marcus is shocked that bullying exists in his team,...
Building Relationships
Marcus sets up a “speed socializing” exercise to give staff an insight into building long lasting relation...
Calming a Complainer
The Calming a Complainer video provides skills to deal wth comlpainers professionally and calmly by examining an amus...
Coaching and Mentoring New People
Coaching and Mentoring New People is all about managers providing professional development and personal support for n...
Consistent Sensational Service
Consistent Sensational Service shows how caring for customers and what they’re going through, especially in tou...
Creating Positive Impressions
Carol greets new clients but struggles with their name pronunciation. Michael and Wendy are not welcoming, so Carol gi...
Creating Workforce Agility
Dion has researched workforce agility and is now advising Carol and Marcus.
Creating a No-Blame Culture
Carol creates an innovative Corporate Social Responsibility program that is trending on Twitter after a disastrous typ...
De-Cluttering the Office
Carol is on a mission to de-clutter the messy office so it’s tidy, motivating and safe. She implements a clean-d...
Delivering Training Masterfully
Carol loves to train but Dion shows great promise and skill.
Developing Successful Mindsets
Steve is dejected. Casey tries to cheer him up and Carol offers advice about being in the Negative Land of W. Carol te...
Developing Trainer Skills
Dions training skills are improving and many give advice.
Diffusing Anger
Marcus runs a training session to help staff manager anger, and invites Serena as the anger management expert, which m...
Embracing New Ideas
Marcus invites everyone to suggest innovations to enhance productivity and improve the culture. Junko and Alex compete...
Enhancing Service
Listen to customers, build rapport and deminstrate you care by being efficient, knowledgeable and a problem solver.
Ensuring Security
Staff must question strangers, check ID and speak up if they see something.
Ensuring a Respectful Workplace
Serena is concerned that the culture lacks basic elements of respect. Some team members confront Carol about her racis...
Explaining Skillfully
The art of explaining concepts and information is covered in four key steps about engagement, structure, maintaining i...
Giving Managers Feedback
Marcus offers Carol the unique opportunity to give some feedback to Serena and himself. Carol enjoys being direct and ...
Global and Cultural Sensitivity
In this Global and Cultural Sensitivity video you learn that cultural awareness is more than how people look or good ...
Handling Anyone Difficult
Steve teaches Carlos 6 key skills so problems don't escalate with difficult people.
Handling Tricky Appraisals
Carol expects to be showered in praise at her forthcoming appraisal with Marcus, but is shocked to find Serena will be...
Handling the New Wave
An amusing program about managing the expectations and behaviors of the newest recruits.
How to Achieve SMART Goals
How to Achieve SMART Goals shows how to set and achieve specific measurable goals. Don't focus on vague aspiratio...
How to Mediate Conflicts
How to Mediate Conflicts is a powerful skill that every leader should master. Team members can also benefit from lear...
Improving Self-Esteem
Some people must learn to recognize their worth and unlock their potential.
Listening Actively
Carol tells Marcus he is not listening to her, so after agreeing to listen, Marcus is inspired to run a listening sess...
Looking at Employment Contracts
Sanjay, the union rep, and several others offer some practical advice.
Making Decisions and Choices
Making Decisions and Choices effectively is an important workplace skill. We constantly make choices, just to get thr...
Manage Hygiene Boundaries
Manage Hygiene Boundaries is a timely and engaging video for everyone to establish rules for hygiene and best practic...
Managing Crises
Marcus accidentally donates $1million and the team must fight to keep their jobs.
Managing Projects Successfully
Manage Projects Successfully is a video designed to introduce you to project management. The success of a project com...
Managing Time Successfully
Marcus creates the ITS TIME campaign but not everyone can be a time champion.
Mastering Social Media
The team share what they know and have learned about social media.
Meeting For Results
Its time to have productive meetings but some get it wrong.
Minimizing Risk
Marcus holds black swan day to help prepare people for crisis scenarios.
Navigating Career Change
Barney coaches Dion on career strategy and Serena explains a SWOT analysis.
Negotiating for Results
Steve and Paul Garrison negotiate a large contract to provide services to Paul’s company. Steve wants to p...
Negotiating for Success
Casey and Sam demonstrate skills, but best negotiators are Carol and Steve.
Overcoming Disempowerment
Marcus coaches Carol about respect after a complaint Michael has made against her. But when Michael asks Carol for fee...
Overcoming Fears
Everyone has fears but Marcus worries that Sam is watching him to find mistakes.
Overcoming Setbacks
When facing setbacks recognize when you feel stuck and move forward.
Pitching and Influencing
Tammy wants to learn to pitch so gets help from Carol.
Planning and Organizing
Serena discovers Marcus and Serena have not planned together for the upcoming conference when they each have different...
Prejudice and Discrimination
Dion experiences prejudice and Casey is victim to mob mentality.
Preparing for Emergencies
Marcus sets up a dangerous evacuation drill with dire consequences.
Preparing for My Appraisal
Marcus coaches Dion to be well prepared for an appraisal with Carol.
Presenting With Passion
Carol runs a training session on overcoming fear and changing their presentations from BLAND to GRAND. Carol tells Ser...
Privacy and Ethical Behavior
Casey stalks a customer and Barney bribes Carlos for information.
Professional Social Media
Professional Social Media is an engaging video featuring the team at Cutting Edge. Social media at work is a double-e...
Recruiting the Best
Marcus must stop using a lucky dip and learn fair and effective selection strategies.
Removing Tension
Brittany, the personal trainer, demonstrates various stretches to combat stiff aching bodies and work related problems...
Resolving Conflict
A great program on essential skills for preventing and resolving conflict with best outcomes.
Responding Thoughtfully
Listen supportively by clarifying, reflecting, advising with care and probing (CRAP).
Sharing Feedback
Avoid defensiveness, be open to receiving and give specific balance feedback.
Starting Relationship Selling
When Carol is left to train four staff to sell, she assumes none will succeed.
Staying Motivated at Work
People describe what motivates and de-motivates them at work and Marcus uses gimmicks to present his motivational conc...
Stereotyping and Diversity
Marcus uses hat day to demonstrate stereotyping and Casey is in tears.
Stretching the Team
Marcus introduces Brittany, a personal trainer, to help the team with stretching exercises that can be followed by vie...
Supervising Effectively
Supervision mistakes are being made - Marcus is vague, Carol bullies and gives poor feedback and Serena makes the fata...
Supporting Others
Marcus creates an award for the most supportive employee of the month and challenges the team to be supportive, saying...
Surviving Stress and Anxiety
Surviving Stress and Anxiety is an engaging video from the Cutting Edge team that reminds everyone of the importance ...
Surviving Team Conflicts
Carol mediates a dispute between Sanjay and Casey, who has a pet at work. Sanjay is aggressive while Casey is non-asse...
Teaching Greetings
Carlos needs training in reception skills. Carol is critical of his pronunciation and poor English, so she delegates t...
Thriving Remotely
Thriving Remotely is an important video, especially since the COVID pandemic meant more of us are working from home. ...
Transforming SILOS
Avoid a closed fragmented culture and ensure caring, sharing and collaboration.
Trying Myers-Briggs
The team explores the MBTI® (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®) and gain insights into their personality traits.&nb...
Understanding and Demonstrating Accountability
Understanding and Demonstrating Accountability is a short sharp entertaning program featuring a case study from the C...
Unions and Collective Bargaining
Casey is on strike, the union and managers are supportive, until they see her motives.
Using Goals to GROW
Define goals and consider reality, obstacles, options and way forward.
Welcoming New People
Sherry is new, but gets relegated to the bottom of the stairs, where she feels isolated and excluded from team activit...
Working Safely
Risk taking and accidents are occurring at Cutting Edge. Safety awareness is the focus of a special training session M...
"Appropriate humor is always a good way to dissolve barriers and build respect in the workplace"
"It is absolutely fantastic! Made me laugh out loud. Best training product I've seen in years."
Video Recording
- Actor Erin Brown
- Actor Cutting Edge comedy team