Video  Finder
FLEXIBILITY: List of resources
Title & Format Description
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Getting Motivated
An animated series developed by psychologist Eve Ash to help people get motivated. Learn how to create a positive min...
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Employer of Choice
Find out how to be a respected and award winning employer. Focus on creating a culture of pride, attract the best tal...
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Overcoming Personal Barriers to Diversity
Just about every organisation is interested in diversity and has introduced policies and programs that support diversi...
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Developing Resilience
This video explains why developing resilience helps in dealing with stress, maintaining good relationships and maximiz...
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Change Without Anxiety
Managing change and dealing with anxiety are two major challenges in the workplace today. People often go thr...
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Coaching to Encourage Flexibility
People need coaching to be flexible and adaptable to all sorts of organisational change, including technological ch...
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The Psychology of Attraction
This video features Psychologist Peter Quarry and explores overcoming resistance and developing an attraction to change....
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The Psychology of Resistance
This video features Psychologist Peter Quarry and details the five main reasons why people tend to resist change. It exp...
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