An animated series developed by psychologist Eve Ash to help people get motivated. Learn how to create a positive mindset for work and improve your productivity and service attitudes.
Find out about the Negative Land of W, the negative mood monster and negative scripts and how they keep you stuck. Learn how to use positive scripts to motivate yourself, achieve goals and be successful.
Getting Motivated is a course designed to help create a positive mindset for work and improve your productivity and service attitudes. Discover the Negative Land of W and how negative scripts keep you stuck. Learn how to use positive scripts to motivate yourself, achieve goals and be successful.
Eve Ash, psychologist, provides a strong rationale for success: if we think positively and convert our negative thinking to positive thinking, then we are more likely to act positively which in turn will lead us to be more successful. But too often our minds get clouded with negative thoughts or scripts that block us from achieving our potential. By learning to turn these around and creating powerful positive scripts we can become much more motivated, happy and productive.
Interactive eLearning course
This video program is also available as a short stimulating eLearning course with interactive learning modules, recap activities, inline video and quiz assessments, designed to engage learners and build skills.
In this course you will learn insights and strategies for switching on your motivation:
- How to create a positive mindset for work and improve your productivity, relationships and service attitudes
- Recognize that the ‘Negative Land of W’ (wishing, wallowing and wasting time) blocks success
- Recognize the negative mood monster and negative scripts and how they keep you stuck
- Negative scripts can be rewritten to positive scripts which motivate us to positive actions which are more likely to lead to goals being achieved
- Develop a mindset for success – use positive scripts to achieve goals
4 x 2 Minute Episodes
Episode 1: GETTING UP
- All staff
- Personal Use
- Youth
- Stream
- English
- Animation